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Health Benefits of the Coca Leaf
A long-lasting energy boost
This is the number one reason coca has become such an intricate part of Andean culture. Before industrialization, working longs days of extremely hard labor was the norm. Coca’s consistent energy boost allowed workers to go harder and work for longer. These days, it is a favorite among miners and bus drivers for its long-lasting energy kick without the spike and crash effect of caffeine.
A reduction of appetite
Chewing coca makes those hunger pangs go away. This is of utmost importance to the underprivileged workers of South America who often don’t have the time or the money to eat three good meals a day. Coca lets them get on with the job without being constantly distracted by an empty stomach. It can also be used as a dietary aid to discourage the obese from overeating.
A painkiller
Consuming coca leaves creates a numbing effect on pain and discomfort. While it’s not an extremely powerful analgesic, it does provide enough relief to allow laborers to continue their arduous work. For example, the coca leaf would have been instrumental in assisting the Incas to lug those huge stones all the way to Machu Picchu.
A remedy for altitude sickness
The coca leaf is fantastic at reducing the unwanted symptoms of altitude sickness which include nausea, breathlessness, insomnia, loss of appetite, fatigue and headache. This natural cure has been used by locals for millennia and is so widely known that virtually all hotels in high altitude Andean cities supply it to their guests.
A source of nutrients
The coca leaf has a variety of beneficial nutritional properties. It’s got plenty of essential minerals (calcium, magnesium and phosphorus), stacks of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C, and E) and important nutrients such as fiber and protein. Daily coca consumption is the perfect natural alternative to taking dietary supplements.
An upset stomach remedy
A hot cup of coca tea is a great way to relieve the pain and nausea that comes with an upset tummy. This is handy while traveling through the Andes, where food hygiene may not be up to the same standards as at home. While it does provide noticeable relief, it’s still important to keep well hydrated and seek medical attention if problems persist.
Traditional Andean medicine credits the coca leaf as being an effective treatment for a number of other ailments including ulcers and digestion problems. It’s even said to be an aphrodisiac and to increase life expectancy. With such a diverse range of medical applications, it’s little wonder the coca leaf has been considered sacred by indigenous South American inhabitants throughout history. Unfortunately, due to its potential to be refined into cocaine, coca is illegal everywhere outside of the Andes. But if you’re planning a trip to this part of the world you should give it a try to discover these amazing health benefits for yourself.
Nutrition Benefits of the Coca Leaf
The coca leaf has been found to be a valuable dietary supplement. Several studies analyzed the nutrition characteristics of the coca leaf. Two notable ones include, a 2009 study published in the Food & Nutrition Bulletin (Can coca leaves contribute to improving the nutritional status of the Andean population?, Penny, Zavaleta, et al.) and a1975 Harvard study (Nutritional Value of Coca Leaf, Duke, Aulick, Plowman). They found that per 100g the leaves contained:
Carbohydrates (44.3 g)
Protein (19.9 g)
Fat (3.3 g)
Fiber (14.2 g)
Vitamin A (10,000 – 14,000 IU)
Vitamin B1 (0.58 – 0.68 mg)
Vitamin B2 (1.73 mg)
Vitamin B6 (0.58 mg)
Vitamin C (1.4 – 53 mg)
Vitamin D (trace amounts)
Vitamin E (16.72 mg)
Calcium (990.18 – 1749 mg)
Copper (1.1 mg)
Iron (26.8 – 45.8 mg)
Magnesium (197 – 225 mg)
Phosphorus (637 mg)
Zinc (2.63 – 3.8 mg)
The coca leaf has been found to be a valuable dietary supplement. Several studies analyzed the nutrition characteristics of the coca leaf. Two notable ones include, a 2009 study published in the Food & Nutrition Bulletin (Can coca leaves contribute to improving the nutritional status of the Andean population?, Penny, Zavaleta, et al.) and a1975 Harvard study (Nutritional Value of Coca Leaf, Duke, Aulick, Plowman). They found that per 100g the leaves contained:
Carbohydrates (44.3 g)
Protein (19.9 g)
Fat (3.3 g)
Fiber (14.2 g)
Vitamin A (10,000 – 14,000 IU)
Vitamin B1 (0.58 – 0.68 mg)
Vitamin B2 (1.73 mg)
Vitamin B6 (0.58 mg)
Vitamin C (1.4 – 53 mg)
Vitamin D (trace amounts)
Vitamin E (16.72 mg)
Calcium (990.18 – 1749 mg)
Copper (1.1 mg)
Iron (26.8 – 45.8 mg)
Magnesium (197 – 225 mg)
Phosphorus (637 mg)
Zinc (2.63 – 3.8 mg)
100 grams of coca flour provide:
Nitrogen: 20.06 Mg.
Fat: 3.68 Mg.
Carbohydrates: 47.50 Mg.
Beta carotene: 9.40 Mg.
Alpha carotene: 2.76 Mg.
Vitamin C: 6.47 Mg.
Vitamin E: 40.17 Mg.
Thiamin (vit B1): 0.73 Mg.
Riboflavin (Vit B2): 0.88 Mg.
Niacin: 8.37 Mg.
Phosphorus: 412.67 Mg.
Calcium: 2097.00 Mg.
Potassium: 1739.33 Mg.
Magnesium: 299.30 Mg.
Sodium: 39.41 Mg.
Aluminum: 17.39 Mg.
Barium: 6.18 Mg.
Iron: 1 36.64 Mg.
Strontium: 12.02 Mg.
Boron: 6.75 Mg.
Copper: 1.22 Mg.
Zinc: 2.21 Mg.
Manganese: 9.15 Mg.
Chromium: 0.12 Mg
Nitrogen: 20.06 Mg.
Fat: 3.68 Mg.
Carbohydrates: 47.50 Mg.
Beta carotene: 9.40 Mg.
Alpha carotene: 2.76 Mg.
Vitamin C: 6.47 Mg.
Vitamin E: 40.17 Mg.
Thiamin (vit B1): 0.73 Mg.
Riboflavin (Vit B2): 0.88 Mg.
Niacin: 8.37 Mg.
Phosphorus: 412.67 Mg.
Calcium: 2097.00 Mg.
Potassium: 1739.33 Mg.
Magnesium: 299.30 Mg.
Sodium: 39.41 Mg.
Aluminum: 17.39 Mg.
Barium: 6.18 Mg.
Iron: 1 36.64 Mg.
Strontium: 12.02 Mg.
Boron: 6.75 Mg.
Copper: 1.22 Mg.
Zinc: 2.21 Mg.
Manganese: 9.15 Mg.
Chromium: 0.12 Mg
The coca leaf has 14 alkaloids, cocaine is one of them and to use the product they call coca, which is pure cocaine, several chemicals are used from tons of leaf that will never be used for mambear or use traditional, because the process leaves them useless... pure coca leaf, toasted, used in the mouth is the traditional way and is not drug, or kills that kills, is plant that heals and as you can see in the image has elements of life, which heal and strengthen body, mind and energy... The misuse of a derivative product, is the one created for drug trafficking... millennia was used naturally in original villages... even Freud used compounds Cocaine for therapeutic use, so the derivative itself has no problems if used for what it is, by prescription... when you abuse whatever, you create abuse, disorder, disease, but a plant is not the origin of a misuse...
List of alkaloids contained in coca leaves and their qualities
Every alkaloid has a specific effect on our body. Whether the efects are curative or lethal depends on the dose and composition of the alkaloids. In coca leaves, all alkaloids are in balance.
When chewing coca leaves, enzymatic processes convert most of the cocaine into ecgonine and you don´t experience the “coke rush”. If you add a little burned lime or sodium bicarbonate to the coca leaves you do experience a little of the rush. Because of the alkalinity provided by the lime or sodium bicarbonate, alkaloids are released very quickly from the leaves and cause the mouth to become numb.
The consumption of coca leaves does not stimulate the use of cocaine. It might sound paradoxical, but heavy cocaine users have benefited from chewing the coca leaves; it takes away the chaving for cocaine and helps to reduce or even stop cocaine use.
If coca leaves are available, most people prefer chewing the plant rather than using cocaine. Only a small percentage of coca chewers use cocaine.
Cocaine: Stimulating, euphoric, painkiller
Ecgonine: Increase stamina, regulates the burning of carbohydrates and increases burning of fat
Quinoline: prevents tooth decay and strengthens the gums
Globulin: Stimulates blood circulation, remedies altitude sickness and low blood pressure
Papaine: Promotes digestion and healthy skin
Pectin: Anti-diarrheal, absorbs toxins
Reserpine: Lowers blood pressure
Benzoin: anti-ferment, promotes healthly skin, mouth and colon
Atropine: Dries salivary glands, relaxes muscle tonus
Hygrine: Stimulates salivary gland
Pyridine: Stimulates blood circulation, improves absorption of oxigen in the brain and muscles
Conine: Local anesthetic
Inulin: Improves the production of hemoglobin
Cocamine: Analgesic painkiller, blocks pain while other sensations remain intact
Every alkaloid has a specific effect on our body. Whether the efects are curative or lethal depends on the dose and composition of the alkaloids. In coca leaves, all alkaloids are in balance.
When chewing coca leaves, enzymatic processes convert most of the cocaine into ecgonine and you don´t experience the “coke rush”. If you add a little burned lime or sodium bicarbonate to the coca leaves you do experience a little of the rush. Because of the alkalinity provided by the lime or sodium bicarbonate, alkaloids are released very quickly from the leaves and cause the mouth to become numb.
The consumption of coca leaves does not stimulate the use of cocaine. It might sound paradoxical, but heavy cocaine users have benefited from chewing the coca leaves; it takes away the chaving for cocaine and helps to reduce or even stop cocaine use.
If coca leaves are available, most people prefer chewing the plant rather than using cocaine. Only a small percentage of coca chewers use cocaine.
Cocaine: Stimulating, euphoric, painkiller
Ecgonine: Increase stamina, regulates the burning of carbohydrates and increases burning of fat
Quinoline: prevents tooth decay and strengthens the gums
Globulin: Stimulates blood circulation, remedies altitude sickness and low blood pressure
Papaine: Promotes digestion and healthy skin
Pectin: Anti-diarrheal, absorbs toxins
Reserpine: Lowers blood pressure
Benzoin: anti-ferment, promotes healthly skin, mouth and colon
Atropine: Dries salivary glands, relaxes muscle tonus
Hygrine: Stimulates salivary gland
Pyridine: Stimulates blood circulation, improves absorption of oxigen in the brain and muscles
Conine: Local anesthetic
Inulin: Improves the production of hemoglobin
Cocamine: Analgesic painkiller, blocks pain while other sensations remain intact